Rödl & Partner South America advises BOWA on the Acquisition of Cura in Brazil


published on 15 October 2020


São Paulo, 9 October 2020: Rödl & Partner assisted BOWA Beteiligungs Gmbh (“BOWA”), the international specialist and full-range supplier of energy-based surgical systems, with the acquisition of 51 per cent of shares of Cura Lifescience Ltda. (“Cura”) based in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo state. The deal was successfully closed on 9 October 2020.


An interdisciplinary team from Rödl & Partner South America led by Philipp Klose-Morero (Engagement Partner), Rafael S. Martins (Associate Partner, Financial Due Diligence and PMO), Michael Löb (Associate Partner, Tax Due Diligence & Coordination with external Law Firms) & Patricia Berbetz (Manager, Labor Due Diligence) successfully coordinated the deal process having the so-called caring partner role.


BOWA develops and produces high-specification medical-technology solutions, and since 1977 has continuously developed into a leading technological supplier of energy-based surgical systems. BOWA is presented in 9 different locations (10 now considering Brazil). Cura has distributed medical devices in Brazil since March 2018.

Advisers to BOWA

  • Philipp Klose-Morero, CPA, CIA, CCSA, CISA, Partner, Rödl & Partner São Paulo, Campinas & Curitiba (Engagement Partner)
  • Rafael S. Martins, CRC, MBA cand., CFA Level 3 cand., Associate Partner, Head of Transaction, Valuation & Restructuring | South America, Rödl & Partner São Paulo (PMO & Financial Due Diligence)
  • Michael Löb, Rechtsanwalt, Associate Partner, Rödl & Partner São Paulo (Tax Due Diligence & Coordination with to external Law Firms)
  • Patricia Berbetz, Attorney at Law (Brazil), CRC, Manager, Head of Labor, Rödl & Partner Curitiba (Labor Due Diligence)


Contact Person Picture

Phil Klose


Managing Partner Südamerika

+55 11 5094 6060

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